Weschler of Human Rights Watch, who sent this recipe to me in 2001, wrote: “A bigos is a Polish meat and cabbage hunter’s
stew. It can be cooked over a few days, with new ingredients added as you go.
The longer you cook it, the tastier it gets. There are a great many bigos
recipes. The one I use is adapted from the cookbook of Nela Rubinstein (the
wife of the pianist Arthur Rubinstein). It keeps in the refrigerator for
several days and it can be frozen and reheated. This is excellent as winter party
food as it is easy to eat standing up and using only a fork."
I found an article about "bigos" and a recipe by Gail Monaghan in the Wall Street Journal on-line and reproduce it after Weschler’s
Serves 15
900 grams
(2 pounds) pork shoulder (or beef)
450 grams
(1 pound) kielbasa (Polish-style) sausage
-- other types can be substituted but
they should not be spicy
115 grams
(4 ounces) dried porcini mushrooms,
-- or a little more of the less expensive
dried mushrooms
1 litre (3
cups) of rich beef bullion, homemade or from cubes
-- if you use cubes, Knorr
works best, and you can increase the flavour
by using less water
by using less water
tablespoons margarine
1,800 grams
(4 pounds) sauerkraut
450 grams
(1 pound) bacon, a chunk, not slices
4 apples
900 grams
(2 pounds) peeled tomatoes
12 juniper
berries, crushed - if you can’t find them, use 30-40 fennel seeds
12 peppercorns
2 bay leaves
4 medium onions,
cut into quarters
450 grams
(1 pound) cooked ham
2 cups dry wine, red or white
tablespoons sugar
- Preheat oven to 150° C (300° F).
- Put the pork or beef in a baking dish, spread with the margarine, season with salt and ground pepper, add 2 cup water, and arrange the onions next to the meat.
- Roast for one hour, basting once or twice.
- After an hour, raise the temperature in the oven to 180° C (350°F) and roast for another hour, basting occasionally.
- Meanwhile, rinse the dried mushrooms and then soak them in the 3 cups of bullion. After soaking for an hour, cut the mushrooms into thin strips and reserve the bullion.
- Rinse the sauerkraut in cold water in a colander and squeeze out the water.
- Cut up the bacon into small (1 centimetre or 2 inch) cubes, and place in heavy pot on medium flame. Stir for about 8 minutes, letting the bacon brown but not burn.
- Peel, core and grate the apples.
- Cut the peeled tomatoes into thick slices or quarters.
- In a large heavy pot, start layering from the bottom: bacon, sauerkraut, tomatoes, apples.
- Add juniper berries (or fennel) here and there.
- Add the bay leaves.
- Continue layering until you run out of these different ingredients.
- Cover and simmer on a small flame for 12 hours.
- Cut the ham into cubes (1 centimeter or 2 inch) and set aside.
- Cut the kielbasa sausage into chunks (1 centimetre or 2 inch) and cook the sausage on a small flame for about 10 minutes.
- Make caramel by combining the 2 tablespoons sugar with 1 tablespoon water in a heavy pot. Place the pot on medium flame and stir constantly. The sugar will start turning brown. Continue stirring until it is medium brown or caramel in colour. (Be careful not to burn.) Remove from the heat and let cool for about 2 minutes.
- Now pour the reserved bullion (in which the mushrooms had been soaked) into the caramel, being careful not to splatter yourself. Stir the caramel and bullion until completely combined.
- When the roasting meat is ready, discard the onions and let the meat cool to a temperature which makes it possible to handle it. Cut meat into cubes (1 centimeter or 2 inch, or slightly larger).
- Add the meat, the sausage and the ham to the pot in which you have layered the bacon, sauerkraut, tomatoes and apples (i.e., after it has simmered for the required 12 hours). Add the mushrooms. Stir all the ingredients together.
- Add the bullion/caramel mixture and the wine. (You can experiment with the liquid. If the dish seems too thick add more wine.)
- Simmer on a very small fire for another hour.
can also just mix everything together, simmer a little, refrigerate it for the
next day, and simmer some more when you reheat. The longer you simmer, the
better it gets. But make sure not to burn it -- and stir the bottom of the pot
once in awhile.
Bigos by Gail Monaghan – The Wall Street Journal, February 19, 2011
Legend has
bigos appearing in the late 14th century in Poland where Lithuanian Prince
Wladislaus served it to his hunting party. This rustic hunter's stew contained
sauerkraut and wine brought from home, and featured freshly killed hare,
venison, boar and pheasant, all of which were abundant in the Polish forests.
Bigos grew in popularity and is now Poland's national dish.
In Polish, "bigos" means
confusion, or a big mess. This special stew varies from region to region and
can also contain honey, apples, dried plums, bacon and ham. It is indeed
neither tidy nor beautiful to behold. A rich and delicious complexity, however,
more than compensates. And because this intensity of flavor increases when the
stew is made in advance, preparation can fit seamlessly into even the busiest
schedule. Cook up to a week ahead; then cool, refrigerate and gently reheat
when time to eat. Alternatively, keep the stew in the freezer for months.
In the centuries since Wladislaus's demise,
recipes for his ragout have become more refined. Because it is similar to
Alsace's legendary and sauerkrauty choucroute garnie, bigos is often referred
to by French cooks as "choucroute a la polonaise" despite the Poles
proclaiming their version superior in every way.
Although even today bigos is relatively
unknown in the United States, I managed to sample it in the 1970s at Boston's
Café Budapest, where it was a menu fixture. The first piquant bite of fresh and
pickled cabbages merging with the myriad meats and spices remains clear in my
mind to this day. I was served this dish a second time many years later at a
dinner given by Ariane and (the late) Michael Batterberry—authors and food
world cognescenti—in their Manhattan apartment. It hit the spot on that wintry
night, and I resolved to try making bigos myself.
Michael swore by the recipe in "Nela's
Cookbook" by Nela Rubinstein, Lithuanian-born wife of the late Arthur
Rubinstein and daughter of the illustrious conductor Emil Mlynarski, first
director of the Warsaw Philharmonic. I borrowed Michael's copy of the 1983
volume, and was as taken with Nela's story as I was with her recipes.
As a child, she spent long days in the
kitchens of her mother's Lithuanian estate watching cooks prepare traditional
dishes. The family was driven from Lithuania by the advent of World War I. They
moved first to Moscow and then to Warsaw at the close of the war, bigos went
with them all the way and it became Nela's piece de resistance.
Nela met Arthur Rubinstein, arguably the
greatest pianist of the modern era, through her father. After their marriage in
1932, they spent their first years together on tour, dining out in one famous
restaurant after another. The new bride soon discovered she had "an odd
but very useful talent." In her book, she tells us that "much as one
might have a musical ear, I had the ability to decipher and identify the
ingredients in even fairly elaborate dishes—and made a sort of game…of
reproducing them at home without asking for recipes." Nela began
experimenting in the couple's Montmartre studio, progressing quickly from
simple scrambled eggs to more challenging soufflés, pierozkis, borschts and
crème brûlées.
Soon cranky Arthur, a well-known gourmet,
claimed that only his wife's cooking could satisfy his post-performance
appetite; but he then complained loudly when everyone forgot his concerts while
busily devouring Nela's suppers. Legendary restaurateur George Lang commented,
"It's just possible that Arthur Rubinstein played Chopin's mazurkas better
than anyone since Chopin because of his wife's almond mazurkas [also the name
of a sweet Polish pastry]."
In 1941, the Rubinsteins left Paris for
Hollywood, where Nela made bigos for everyone from Katharine Hepburn to Charlie
Chaplin. Once, she prepared the dish for the Broadway cast and crew of
"Children of a Lesser God" in a tiny two-burner New York hotel
kitchenette. Her son John Rubinstein was starring in the play, and the party
for 50 was to be in her daughter Eva's photography studio in Chelsea. Nela
tells us how she cooked up the bigos, and then "carried the whole feast
down to Eva's studio in plastic pails."
Friends and family clamored for her recipes.
Easier said than done, however, as instructions to herself were highly
abbreviated multilingual scribblings on scraps of paper and backs of envelopes.
Demand for a book grew, but it took years of encouragement from Julia Childs's
long-time editor, Judith Jones, to convince Nela to write the charming and
inspiring "Nela's Cookbook." Recipes for the old-world dishes of her
childhood all yield excellent results; but Nela tells us, "of all the
dishes in this book, bigos is the one I recommend to you most
enthusiastically." Nela's version is a tried-and-true distillation of a
centuries-old recipe perfected by generations of family cooks. She suggests
serving it with traditional accompaniments: fresh horseradish, an array of
mustards, caraway-studded rye bread and boiled potatoes. Iced vodka, cold
German beer and an Alsatian Riesling are all good choices to drink with the
Over the years—like Wladislaus's original
hunters—I've made bigos using various meat and poultry combinations, often
based on the contents of my freezer. The recipe is flexible and forgiving, so
try using what you have on hand.
My most recent tryst with bigos occurred a
few weeks ago, on a frigid mid-January evening. As several of the guests did
not eat red meat, I tried using poultry only—two roast ducks, three roast
chickens and spicy turkey sausage replacing the kielbasa. The result was
divine, and no less delicious than the meaty original. I also roughly smashed
with a bit of butter, salt and pepper the boiled potatoes that normally
accompany the dish, instead of leaving them whole, as is typical. Though not
traditional, this provided an ideal bed for the stew. I shredded an extra head
of cabbage. Mixed into the bigos and put underneath along with the potatoes, it
lightened things up and provided the welcome crunch of something raw. When the
bigos was gone, guests scraped their plates, proving once again, as Nela said,
there is "nothing better than a big pot of savory bigos."
—Ms. Monaghan is a New York food writer and
cooking instructor. Her latest book, "The Entrées," was recently
published by Rizzoli.
Bigos Cooking Time: 2½ to 3½ hours Serves: 16
1 four- to
five-pound duck, pricked all over with a fork and roasted in a 400 degree
oven until done, about an hour. When cool enough to handle, discard skin
and bones and cut the meat into 1-inch pieces.
oven until done, about an hour. When cool enough to handle, discard skin
and bones and cut the meat into 1-inch pieces.
3 ounces
dried wild mushrooms, rinsed and then soaked for at least 30 minutes
in 3 cups of warm beef, chicken, duck or pork stock. Drain and coarsely chop
the mushrooms and reserve the liquid.
in 3 cups of warm beef, chicken, duck or pork stock. Drain and coarsely chop
the mushrooms and reserve the liquid.
tablespoons unsalted butter
1 bouquet
garni (12 black peppercorns, 12 crushed juniper berries, and 2 bay leaves
tied together in cheesecloth)
tied together in cheesecloth)
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Melt 4 tablespoons butter in a large casserole over medium-high heat. Add cubed meat and brown well on all sides. Add 1½ cups of water or extra stock, salt and pepper to taste, cover and cook in the oven for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
- While meat is cooking, melt remaining 3 tablespoons of butter in a large skillet. Add bacon, onions, fresh cabbage and carrots, and sauté, stirring frequently, until onions are golden, about 20 minutes.
- Add apples and sauerkraut and cook 10 minutes more, stirring frequently.
- While meat and vegetables are cooking, place sugar in a small saucepan with 2 tablespoons of water. Cook, stirring, until the sugar dissolves and then simmer until light brown. Immediately stir the caramel into vegetable mixture.
- After meat has cooked for an hour, add cooked duck pieces, vegetable mixture, sliced kielbasa, ham, soaked mushrooms and their liquid, bouquet garni, tomatoes and wine to the casserole. Cover and return to the oven for 1½ to 2 hours or until the meat is very tender, on the verge of falling apart. Remove bouquet garni and add salt and pepper if needed. If sauce is too thick, add water or broth. If sauce is too thin, ladle into a saucepan and reduce until the desired consistency is reached, then return to the casserole.
- Ideally, cool the stew and then refrigerate it for up to four days. The flavors will marry and intensify. Remove any fat that rises to the top before reheating. To serve, reheat gently on top of the stove, adjust seasonings, garnish with parsley if desired, and serve accompanied by horseradish, mustards, rye bread and hot boiled potatoes.
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